Meal Program
CBCA provides nutritious, well-balanced meals, including free breakfast and lunch, to ensure your child is focused and full during the school day.

Cutler Bay Christian Academy, Inc , Inc
Student Wellness
The Governing Board believes that good health fosters student achievement and student
attendance. Thus, the Governing Board is committed to providing a school environment
that promotes and protects children’s health, well-being, and ability to learn. This
environment will be achieved by teaching, supporting and modeling healthy eating habits
and lifestyles, physical activity and physical education, and school safety. The Governing
Board recognizes that the learning environment can influence the way in which children
develop life-long eating, physical activity, and healthy lifestyle habits.The Governing
Board further recognizes that children need access to healthful foods, opportunities to
be physically active, and supported in a nurturing learning communityin order to grow,
learn, and thrive.
Wellness Policy Development
The Governing Board believes that the participation of the community, school food
service professionals, school administrators, physical education and health educators,
staff, and students is essential.
Wellness Policy Goals
The overall goal of the Wellness Policy is to encourage a healthy lifestyle and to
discourage behaviors that can harm students’ well-being. The Board shall adopt goals for
nutrition education, physical activity, and other school-based activities that are designed
to promote student wellness.
Nutrition and Nutrition Education The Board believes that food and beverages available
to students should support the health curriculum promote optimal health. To the
maximum extent practicable, Cutler Bay Christian Academy, Inc , will participate in
availablefederal meal programs and will meet the federal regulations for school meals
and the Smart Snacks in School Nutrition standards.
1. Students will understand how food reaches the table and the implications that
has for their health and future. Staff and school food service in partnership
with community organizations will integrate hands-on experiences at least
once per month.
• Farmer’s market tours and visits to community gardens integrating
core curriculum whenever possible.
• Use of school gardens and cafeteria as a learning lab, harvesting
vegetablesfrom the school garden and incorporating them into school
meals/snacks whenever possible.
• Hosting farmers in the classroom and cafeteria for interactive
discussions and presentations
2. The staff responsible for nutrition education will be adequately prepared and
participate regularly in professional development activities to effectively
deliver an accurate nutrition education program as planned. Preparation and
professional development activities will provide basic knowledge of nutrition
combined with skill practice in program-specific activities and instructional
techniques and strategies designed to promote healthy eating habits.
3. Nutrition education will be provided through health education programs in
grade spans K-12.
Nutrition Promotion
Nutrition promotion can positively influence lifelong eating behaviors by creating food
environments that encourage healthy choices and encourage participation in the school
meal programs.
• At a minimum, utilize Smarter Lunchroom tools and strategies to promote and
reinforce healthy eating in the school environment, ensuring that messages are clear
and consistent.
• Increase the number of on campus locations that students can access useful
nutrition information by 5%.
• Increase student awareness of useful nutrition information from brochures,
worksheets, handouts and digital content by 10%.
• Increase the variety of opportunities that allow parents to engage in support of
school wellness initiatives by 10%.
• Discover effective ways to communicate school wellness messages and identify
healthy eating and active living messages that resonate with parents. Examples may
include presentations, newsletters, social media posts, and printed materials which
highlight a wellness topic of interest
• Organizations operating concessions at school functions will promote healthy food
choices by introducing several healthier items at a lower profit margin to encourage
student selection.
Other School-Based Activities
Cutler Bay Christian Academy, Inc , Inc will integrate wellness activities across the entire
school setting. These initiatives will include nutrition, physical activity and other wellness
components so that all efforts work towards the same set of goals and objectives used to
promote student well-being, optimal development and strong educational outcomes.
• Cutler Bay Christian Academy, Inc , Inc shall consider the components of the
Centersfor Disease Control’s Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child
(WSCC) model in establishing other school based activities that promote
• The goals outlined by the wellness policy will be considered in planning all
school based activities (such as school events, field trips, dances and
• Afterschool programs will encourage healthy snacking and physical activity.
• Cutler Bay Christian Academy, Inc , shall actively develop and support the
engagement of students, families and staff in community health-enhancing
activities and events at the school or throughout the community
• Cutler Bay Christian Academy, Inc , shall be in compliance with drug, alcohol
and tobacco free polies.
Eating Environment
• Students will be provided an adequate amount of time to consume their meal with
a minimum of 30 minutes after receiving their food from the line
• School food service will work with school departments, community partners and the
student health council to facilitate student understanding of fresh, local, sustainably
grown food.
• Convenient access to facilities for hand washing and oral hygiene will be available
during meal periods.
• Cutler Bay Christian Academy, Inc , shall maximize the reduction of waste by
recycling, reusing, composting and purchasing recycled products.
Health Services
• A coordinated program of accessible health services shall be provided to students
and staff and shall include, but not be limited to, violence prevention, school safety,
communicable disease prevention, health screening, including body mass index,
community health referrals, immunizations, parenting skills and first aid/CPR
Use of School Facilities Outside of School Hours
• Cutler Bay Christian Academy, Inc , Inc will promote the use of school facilities
outside of school hours for physical activity programs offered by community-based
organizations and for the school community’s use. Parents will be allowed to bring
their children to the school and have access to basketball courts, playgrounds and
track facilities.
Smart Snack and Competitive Foods
• All food and beverages sold individually outside the reimbursable school meal
programs (including those sold through a la carte [snack] lines, vending machines,
student stores, or fundraising activities) during the school day, or through programs
for students after the school day, Nutrition Standards for competitive food as defined
and require in 7 CFR 210.11
General nutrition requirements for food items:
• Be a grain product that contains 50 percent or more whole grains by weight
or have as the first ingredient a whole grain; or
• Have as the first ingredient one of the nongrain major food groups: fruits,
vegetables, dairy or protein foods (meat, beans, poultry, seafood, eggs, nuts,
seeds, etc.); or
• Be a combination food that contains 1⁄4 cup of fruit and/or vegetable; or
o Entrées served in the NSLP/SBP on the day of service and the following
school day.
o Fresh, frozen or canned fruits and vegetables with no added ingredients,
except water, which are packed in 100 percent juice, extra light syrup or light
(Refer to 7 CFR 210.11 competitive food service standards for additional
Nutrition standards for beverages: Portion sizes listed are the maximum that can be
Beverages All Grades
Plain water unlimited
Unflavored low-fat milk 8 fl. oz.
Unflavored or flavored fat-free milk 8 fl. oz.
100% fruit or vegetable juice 8 fl. oz.
100% fruit or vegetable juice diluted with water but no
added sweeteners
8 fl. oz.
Calorie-free, flavored water and other flavored drinks Not allowed
Low-calorie (5 calories or less per 8 fl. oz.) Not allowed
Low-calorie (40 calorie or less per 8 fl. oz.) Not allowed
4. The school nutrition program will provide clean, safe, and pleasant settings
and adequate time for students to eat.
5. The school will make every effort to eliminate any social stigma attached to,
and prevent the overt identification of, students who are eligible for free and
reduced-price school meals. There will be no identifying lines or other system
to separate paying and non-paying students.
6. All food and beverages that are sold for the purpose of fundraising or other
activities during the school day shall meet all nutrition guidelines for food
and beverage available outside the school meal program.
7. Any food or beverages that do not meet the nutrition standards may be sold
by pupils if the sale takes place off and away from the school campus or at
least thirty minutes after the end of the school day.
8. The school will promote healthy food and beverage products at all school-
sponsored events.
9. The School will encourage allschool-based organizations to use nonfood items
for fundraising.
10. School staff will be encouraged to avoid the use of non-nutritious foods as a
reward for students’ academic performance, accomplishments, or classroom
behavior. The school staff will work towards these goals.
11. School staff shall encourage parents/guardians or other volunteers to support
the school’s nutrition education program by considering nutritional quality
when selecting any snack, which may be donated.
12. Celebrations and parties that involve food during the school day shall be
limited to no more than two events per class per month. Each event should
include no more than two food/beverages that do not meet the nutrition
13. The school will only be allowed to market and advertise those foods and
beverages that meet or exceed USDA's Smart Snacks in School Nutrition
Physical Activity and Physical Education - All students in grades K-8 will have
opportunities, support, and encouragement to be physically active on a regular basis.
Opportunities for moderate to vigorous physical activity shall be provided through
physical education, recess, school athletic programs, extracurricular programs and other
1. Classroom health education will complement physical education by
reinforcing the knowledge and self-management skills needed to maintain a
physically active lifestyle and to reduce time spent on sedentary activities,
such as watching television.
2. Opportunities for physical activity will be encouraged to be incorporated into
other subject lessons.
3. All students will have at least twenty minutes a day of supervised recess,
preferably outdoors, during which they will be encouraged to participate in
moderate to vigorous physical activity.
4. Teachers and other school and community personnel will not withhold
opportunities for physical activity as punishment.
Positive and Safe School Environment
The Cutler Bay Christian Academy, Inc , Inc Governing Board desires a learning
community that welcomes, supports, and encourages its members to lead healthy,
successful lives. The Governing Board recognizes that it is not always practicable or
possible to have nurses, psychologists, and counselors on site to address mental health
issues. However, it is the school’s goal to identify and access resources that are
responsive to its members’ needs.
1. Cutler Bay Christian Academy, Inc , Inc has established rules and procedures
concerning safety for students and will communicate these to students on a
regular basis and to parents in the quarterly newsletter.
2. Appropriate school personnel will be trained on emergency response
procedures, basic first aid and CPR, and on administering medications that
students are required to take during school hours.
3. School personnel will monitor and maintain equipment used for physical
4. School personnel will monitor weather and air quality and use this data to
make decisions about student participation in outdoor physical activities.
5. The school will maintain a Comprehensive School Safety Plan that will address
multiple aspects of student safety and a safe school environment.
Communication with Parents
Cutler Bay Christian Academy, Inc , Inc will support parents’ efforts to provide a healthy
diet and daily physical activity for their children. Cutler Bay Christian Academy, Inc , Inc
will supportparents’ efforts by sending home nutrition information, posting nutrition tips
on websites and in bulletins, and providing nutrient analyses of school menus. Cutler Bay
Christian Academy, Inc , Inc will encourage parents to pack healthy lunches and snacks
and to refrain from including beverages and foods that do not meet the nutrition
standards for individual foods and beverages. The school will provide all parents with a
complete copy of the LSWP at the beginning of the school year and make the policy
available to the public by posting it on the school's website.
Cutler Bay Christian Academy, Inc , Inc will provide information about physical education
and other school-based physical activity opportunities before, during, and after the school
day; and support parents’ efforts to provide their children with opportunities to be
physically active outside of school. It will include sharing information about physical
activity and physical education through a website, newsletter, or other take-home
materials and special events.
Evaluation and Measurement of the Implementation of the Wellness Policy
Cutler Bay Christian Academy, Inc , Inc wellness committee will update and make
modificationsto the wellness policy based on the results of the annual review and
triennial assessments and/or as local priorities change, community needs change,
wellness goals are met, new health information and technology emerges and new federal
or state guidance or standards are issued. The wellness policy will be assessed as indicated
at least every three years following the triennial assessment
Triennial Progress Assessments
Cutler Bay Christian Academy, Inc will assess the local school wellness policy to measure
compliance at least once every three years. This assessment will measure the
implementation of the local school wellness policy, and include:
➢ The extent to which Cutler Bay Christian Academy, Inc is in compliance with
the local school wellness policy.
➢ The extent to which the local school wellness policy compares to model local
school wellness policies; and
➢ A description of the progress made in attaining the goals of the local school
wellness policy.
Policy Review and Accountability
The Governing Board Chair will ensure compliance with established school-wide nutrition
and physical activity wellness polices.
The Governing Board Chair and the wellness policy committee members will annually
evaluate the extent to which the school is in compliance with the wellness policy, how
the wellness policy compares to model policies and the progress made in attaining the
goals of the wellness policy. All stakeholders will be asked to provide feedback on the
policy and their comments and recommendations will be considered. Student needs will
also be considered in planning for a healthy nutrition environment. Students will be asked
for input and feedback through the use of surveys and attention will be given to their
School food service staff will ensure compliance with nutrition policies within the school
food service program and will report on this matter to the superintendent.
To ensure that nutrition goals are addressed and healthy nutrition is encouraged the
following data will be reviewed:
• Analysis of the nutritional content of meals served
• Student participation in school meal program
• Snack and beverage sales outside of meal program
• Food sales as fundraisers or activities outside of school meal program
• The school principal and local school staff shall have the responsibility to comply
with federal and state regulations as they relate to Cutler Bay Christian Academy,
Inc , Inc wellness policy.
• At Cutler Bay Christian Academy, Inc , the principal will be responsible for
establishing the Healthy School Team that will ensure compliance with the
wellness policy.
• The Healthy School Team will include, but not be limited to, the following
stakeholders: parents, students, school food service program representatives,
school administrators, school health professionals, physical education teachers
and the public.
• The Healthy School Team will be responsible for:
o Ensuring compliance with federal and state regulations for competitive
food and beverage items sold on the school campus (7 CFR 210.11 and FAC
o Maintaining a school calendar identifying the dates when exempted
competitive food fundraisers will occur in accordance with the frequency
specified in paragraph © of FAC 5P-1.003,
o Reporting its school’s compliance of the aforementioned regulations to the
Principal, the person responsible for ensuring overall compliance withthe
Cutler Bay Christian Academy, Inc , wellness policy.
• Cutler Bay Christian Academy, Inc , Inc will review and consider evidence-based
strategies and techniques in establishing goals for nutrition promotion and
education, physical activity and otherschool based activitiesthat promote student
wellness to include, at a minimum, a review of Smarter Lunchroom tools and